Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jamaasian's Hope Protest

Jamaasians are here to say that we're not happy at all.  Here's a protest.
Time:  All Day
Date: from the time this post is made to the end of May (Protest really hard on May 27, especially at 8:00 AJF time.)
Server: Kama (Nile if full)
Where: Canyons Pathway (Rock)
Host: Fire66300
See ya there!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Random Club Geoz Party

Me and some friends did a party today!  Supa' random.
XD, I'm the only one with gold bow-and-arrow!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Fire66300's B-day and No Dating Allowed Party

Fire's Birthday
Theme: Red and Black
Time: all day.
Date:May 27th.
Present Needed: If you don't have one, it's ok, but, please bring one if possible!
Server: Kama
Backup server: Nile
Place: Fire66300's den

Theme: Save the Dating for Real Life
Server and backup server:Rocky,Himalaya
Time: 7:00-9:00
Date: May 3
Place: Snowyclaw's den

See you there!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ok, little accident making me post this...

Hey Jammers. 
I was making an author an admin, and when I did, I removed myself from my main blog so..  I'm using this as my main blog now.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Send in YOUR partys!

Send in YOUR partys to, or in this post's comments, and I'll post 'em!
Time:  All day
Date: Every day from 4/12/2012 to end of April
Theme:  Trip to Texas and Club Founding
Place: Fire66300's den
Things to do:  Click here for everything you can do at my den!
Randomness:  Really random.
See you there, Jammers!

Saturday, March 10, 2012